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Anna Jane Ellis Scholarship

Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation
Published on October 3, 2024

The Anna Jane Ellis Scholarship is for students transitioning from a 2-year to a 4-year college degree.

Dr. Ellis spent her career in higher education, most of which was as a professor in the Physical Education Department at the University of Wisconsin. She taught and mentored students who went on to pursue careers in many various fields, including teaching at all levels.

Anna Jane dotes on her nieces and nephews and has always encouraged their educational pursuits, from gifts of books at every birthday to help with college tuition as they neared adulthood. She has been a model for all in her loving support of family and community, her many contributions to her church, and her emphasis on fulfilling her civic duty. (Don’t forget to vote!)

We wish to honor Anna Jane’s emphasis on education’s ability to improve lives and her positive impact on our family, which will be felt by future generations as well. This scholarship has been established by Georgia Smith (Anna Jane’s niece) and Earl Smith, who have been inspired to “pay it forward” as she has done.