Safety Net Update
Winter 2021
Nationwide there is a movement to improve communities, rebuild them and make them better. As I reflect on what this means for the Tahoe Truckee community, I recognize the vital role our safety net, community-based organizations play. We know that as a tourist-based economy, greater economic fluctuations make it harder for our community members to get by. We also know that in communities with soaring home prices, homelessness increases. And yet, our Collaborative partners have been resilient in their response to improve our community’s well-being and to feed and shelter our most vulnerable community members. By the end of the year, our partners provided affordable housing to 288 households, including 26 individuals who were previously homeless. We reflect on the responsive role our hunger-relief providers played in recent catastrophic wildfires. And we are grateful for the mental health providers who continue to work through waitlists and provide innovative programs.
Together we are moving the needle to ensure that all residents have access to affordable housing, health care, nourishing food, affordable and quality childcare, and mental health support.
Alison Schwedner, Director of Community Collaborative of Tahoe Truckee
*Data is collected by agencies that use different sources and timing. These statistics represent our best understanding of community data as of July 1-September 30, 2021
Community Collaborative of Tahoe Truckee (CCTT) is comprised of over 45 health, education, and social service organizations and coalitions who have worked together for more than 20 years to address the complex issues and fundamental needs of community members in North Tahoe-Truckee.
View Partner ListEmergency Response Fund
Together, we have invested more than $2 million in stabilizing, strengthening and scaling the work of our safety net. However, our safety net providers are still struggling to meet the high demand that has not diminished.
The Tahoe Truckee Emergency Response Fund provides flexible resources to nonprofit organizations that are directly helping the community through the COVID-19 crisis. If you have anything to give, please consider donating to help our community through these tough times.